And now for something completely different...
The worlds first, and probably last, spiritual self-help book from a soccer writer.
Part of the mystifying thing about being a citizen soccer journalist – you are not simply a guy that writes about soccer. I mean, to be fair, even the folks that write full time about soccer have other dimensions to them. They are not simply ‘guys and gals that write about soccer’. They, too, have facets. But for us side-hustle soccer aficionados, we have a whole other life that we live most of the week. Most of our facets are not soccer-y in the least.
My day-to-day Johnny Lunchpail working life is uniquely weird, in comparison to football. I’m a rabbi; with a particular interest and expertise in spiritual self-help literature from 18th and 19th century Poland and Ukraine. There is precious little overlap between that and evaluating the best defensive midfielders for the Colorado Rapids. There are definitely overlaps between football and religion - the music, the rituals, the community, the ecstatic joy in celebrating the highs and the leaning on one another during the lows. But mostly, the two words are separate.
But if you get this newsletter, then you probably already like my writing.1 And you probably get my whole mystical, joyous, the-stone-that-the-builder-refused-shall-be-the-head-cornerstone / maybe-next-year ethos.
And you’re a person. A human. And you’ve have good times. And you’ve had struggle, and sorrow, and pain. Living is hard. We all get lost. Sometimes, when we read the right words, it helps us get found.
The book I wrote, ‘Life Lessons from Recently Dead Rabbis: Hassidut for the People’, is for anybody that is looking for spirituality, self help, insight, a friend, or a little direction. It’s not just for Jews. It’s not just for religious folk. It’s not just for kumbaya/meditation-circle/profound-thoughts-after-an-epic-bong-rip folks.2
This book is a post-it note on your bathroom mirror to help you when you are down. It is Ted Lasso’s ‘Believe’ poster as you walk out of the dressing room. It is a reminder to be your best self. It is a reminder that you ARE your best self.
It is also a bargain at $22, not including tax and shipping. Buy one for the soccer fanatic-spiritual seeker-Hassidic wisdom junkie in your life today.
Thanks for enduring this totally crass act of self-promotion. I do think, honestly, you will enjoy this book. Yes, you.
If you get this newsletter and you don’t like soccer writing, well … hi mom!
I do think those folks might particularly like the book, though. Especially after a really epic bong rip.